It's thick with a hint of chocolate, and lingers on the tongue with a long, clean aftertaste. It's definitely one of the most interesting and unusual cups I've ever had." Chris Rubin - Coffee Connoisseur
If you are a fan of coffee, it seems strange if you have not ever heard of Kopi Luwak. This type of coffee indigenous to Indonesia, said to be the most expensive type of coffee in the world, this coffee even get into the Guinness Book of Records.

Civet coffee or kopi luwak in Indonesian language is a type of coffee that is very famous among coffee lovers. Not only because it is considered special, but also because of the price. Kopi luwak can reach the price range of U.S. $ 100 per 450 grams is commonly known is derived from natural fermentation results that will be issued along with luwak waste. Luwak is a type mongoose. Some species of mongoose found in Southeast Asia, but which produces the best flavored coffee is Indonesian Civet. This species live in Sumatra and Java.
Kopi luwak is one of coffee types. The beans of kopi luwak have been eaten and passed through the digestive tract of an animal like civet cat named luwak (Paradoxurus Hermaphrodirus). This coffee has been popular worldwide, with the exorbitant price of course. Kopi luwak price have reached five times more than the previous most expensive coffee from Jamaica, Blue Mountain coffee.